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Have you been hurt so bad that you feel that you cannot forgive?

And you’re wondering WHY you should forgive?


Life is full of hurt and let downs, sometimes feeling that you’re trapped and would like to return the hurt you’ve been given.  That’s understandable and a normal way to feel.  Correct! You read that right, it’s normal to feel aggrieved!!

Thing is, holding onto to that hurt and desire for revenge is harming your body, mind and soul.  It can cause arthritis and a tightening up of the muscles and other not so good ailments.

Do you actually understand what forgiving is all about?

Well watch the following video:


Once you’ve watched this and would like further coaching that fits around you, then click on the link below:

Your Life The Way You Want It

Looking To Help You!!

For those who keep up with my posts, my main thing is about helping people.  I genuinely like to do this and below there is a video that I’ve done which I hope you will enjoy!!


Secret to Deliberate Creation

Be Careful Out There!!

Something that I recently read on Yahoo and in the papers about a scam that’s catching people out.  Their getting phone calls apparently from their bank to say that their is an issue with their card.  Then they get asked for the pin number, confirm the address and then a courier comes to collect the card.

If you get a call like the above, HANG UP.  Your bank or whatever organisation you have your money with will NEVER ask for your pin number.  You get told this over and over by the news, newspapers, magazines, radio and on the internet.

Should you get an email saying that your account has been frozen or cancelled, then use the number on statements or official letters and phone them about it.  Better still, go to a local branch and speak to a member of staff.  They will happily check things for you.  If there is an issue, they will deal with it for you.  DON’T click on the link in the email.  The site might look OK, but, it will be an impersonation of the real site.

If you ever have ANY doubts about a communication from a financial institution, then get in touch with them directly.

Let me state it again, YOUR BANK/BUILDING SOCIETY WILL NEVER ASK FOR YOUR PIN.  It is only for you to know and PLEASE do NOT pass it on to anyone else either.  It is part of making your account secure and safe.  Don’t let criminals and fraudsters fool you, not matter how convincing.

If you want, tell them that your “good friend” Malcolm told you that you should never give your details like your pin over the phone, text, letter or an email.  Then hang up on them, with my permission, if you need it.

I don’t want you to lose your life savings, pension or any other money to these unscupulous people.  It’s yours, so please make sure it stays that way!!

Hopefully, this post will be read by many people and help reduce the number of victims considerably.

Let me just say it one more time:

If anyone gets in touch with you for your account pin number or even your account number. STOP, THINK and then get in touch with that organisation with the official contact numbers you received from them  Better still, visit the bank in person and talk to them about your concerns.  They are there to help you!!

I know some elderly people get a bit confused and flustered, please keep an eye on them.  Talk to them, you could help save them from a lot of stress.  Don’t let them fall foul of these scams, and, be careful yourself!!!

Have You The Right Mindset To Be Successful?

When you awake each morning, what is your first thought?

Is it something like, “Oh no, not morning already!!”, or, “I don’t want to go into work today…”, or, “What problems am I going to face today?”, or, “Fill in the blank…………”.

Then when you’ve said it, or, thought it, how does your day go?

Did you realise that you have a choice, to have either a good day or bad day?

If you get into the habit of “choosing” a good day first thing, you will find how much easier it is to deal with “issues” that come your way.  It is also a good habit to develop the right mindset to be successful.

It is one thing generating the success, but, it is entirely a different thing to keep that success.  If you want to enjoy it AND keep it as well gain more success, then NOW is the time to start.  Not only will you see a difference in yourself and your life, but, others will notice it.

A lot of us while we growing up were taught “what to think” instead of “how to think”.  Also, as we grew up, our ability to use our imagination was knocked back because we weren’t paying attention in class.  That is a great shame, it is a main part of “seeing” where you want to be in your life.

Hint:  If you have kids, it is important that they develop their imagination when at home.  Tell them stories and encourage them to make up their own.  It will help greatly in their successes in life.  Create a happy environment for them and as they grow, they will look to emulate that in their lifestyle.  Isn’t that what we want for them?

With regards to people being successful, you have the stories where they have won a lot of money, but ended up worse off.  This has been more down to not having the mindset to cope with the sudden influx of a large amount money.  Those that learn to do it quickly make the most of it and enjoy it.

What are your thoughts about money?  Are they positive?  Write them down, you may surprise yourself!!  Once they’ve been written down, those that are negative, rewrite them so they become a positive.  Then read them over and over until you rid yourself of that negative thought.

A great site for help in changing how you think and links to resources that will benefit you, then click on the following link:

Learn To Change Your Life And Mindset